Dr. Jim Logan lived his life simply to love God, to love his family, and to love people. The Lord blessed him with ninety years on Earth, and he lived them to the fullest, traveling around the world teaching and leading conferences on life-changing topics such as spiritual warfare, prayer, and walking with God. He enjoyed helping people by listening to their struggles and speaking truth in a way they had never experienced. He could hear all the darkness and sin in your life and love you just the same while firmly saying that you're missing out on God's best. He helped hundreds, if not thousands, of people get free in Christ from addictions, occult pasts, and abuse. With a collection of over 1,500 books on prayer, it didn't take long before he challenged you to go deeper in your prayer life. He said, "I was a man who prayed, but wanted to become a man of prayer." He loved to study and read his Bible, not just to gain wisdom to help those whom he was counseling, but for God to personally speak to him. He was a man who walked what he preached. This website could be filled with countless pages of stories, funny phrases, and lives changed by Jim Logan; however, we encourage you to hear it for yourselves. His resources are located at the top of the page, and included are messages from over the years. You may share your condolences and stories of how he impacted your life by selecting the memories tab.